As the demand for environmentally friendly insulation grows, an increasing number of architects in the UK are turning to natural materials for their projects. Among these, sheep’s wool insulation is recognised as a premium eco-friendly choice, renowned for its excellent thermal properties. The natural insulator is known to keep buildings up to 4C warmer in cooler conditions and up to 7C cooler in warmer weather, effectively mimicking nature’s thermostat and offering a significant environmental advantage over synthetic insulators. Notably, sheep’s wool has a specific heat capacity of 1800 J/Kg.K, outperforming glass mineral wool (1030) and expanded polystyrene (1300)1. Additionally, the energy required to produce sheep’s wool insulation is significantly lower at 6 MJ/kg compared to 101 for polyurethane foam and 26 for glass mineral wool1. The advantages extend beyond thermal performance; natural insulation materials like sheep’s wool also provide excellent soundproofing, making them highly sought after for modern, sustainable building materials2.

Introduction to Sheep’s Wool Insulation

Insulation plays a pivotal role in ensuring energy-efficient homes and bolstering planet preservation by reducing heating costs. Among the various materials considered for natural insulation, sheep’s wool stands out for its unique benefits. While oil-based insulations may excel in terms of thermal resistance, sheep’s wool offers several supplementary advantages, making it a prime candidate for eco-conscious home insulation.

In comparison to synthetic counterparts such as phenolic foam and polyurethane foam, which boast higher thermal resistance (R) values of around 5 and 4.5 per 100mm m2K/W respectively, sheep’s wool insulation presents an R value of 2.5 per 100mm m2K/W1. Furthermore, the manufacturing process for sheep’s wool insulation consumes significantly less energy, merely 6 MJ/kg, compared to 101 MJ/kg for polyurethane foam and 26 MJ/kg for glass mineral wool1. This makes it an excellent choice for energy-efficient homes.

When considering cost, sheep’s wool insulation ranges between £18 to £25 per square meter at 100mm thickness, contrasting with mineral or rock wool insulation, which averages around £13 per square meter1. Despite a higher upfront expense, the natural advantages and environmental benefits of using sheep’s wool make it a viable long-term investment for natural insulation.

Sheep’s wool insulation is also particularly suitable for the UK’s damp climate, given its capacity to absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture without compromising its thermal properties1. This feature aids in maintaining indoor climate stability, thereby reducing the need for additional heating or cooling, further promoting energy-efficient homes. Moreover, the natural fire-resistant property of sheep’s wool insulation enhances home safety by charring rather than combusting in the event of a blaze1.

As an option for natural insulation, sheep’s wool stands out not only for its performance metrics but also for its eco-friendly attributes. Whether one is aiming to reduce their carbon footprint or enhance the energy efficiency of their homes, sheep’s wool insulation offers an attractive blend of benefits, making it a worthy consideration for sustainable building practices.

What is Sheep’s Wool Insulation?

Sheep’s wool insulation is an environmentally friendly material derived from the fleece of sheep. Unlike synthetic counterparts, it leverages renewable resources and natural fibres, offering numerous benefits in both performance and sustainability.

Origin and Harvesting

The fleece used for sheep’s wool insulation comes from sheep that are shorn annually, a practice essential for the animals’ well-being. This annual shearing not only supports sheep health but also supplies a valuable resource for natural insulation. It’s vital to note that the crimped nature of sheep’s wool fibres creates insulating air pockets, contributing to its superior thermal qualities13.

Processing and Manufacturing

Processing sheep’s wool into insulation involves several critical steps. Initially, the raw wool is treated to remove impurities and pests, ensuring it is clean and safe for use in homes4. Manufacturers often treat the wool with chemicals like borax for insect resistance or use alternative treatments such as SheepWool’s ‘Ionic Protect’ process1.

The treated wool is then formed into batts and rolls, either mechanically or through bonding methods, making it suitable for various applications including ceilings, floors, and walls4. The flexibility and ease of handling of sheep’s wool insulation further simplify its installation process, making it accessible to both professionals and DIY enthusiasts4.

Environmental Benefits of Sheep’s Wool Insulation

Sheep’s wool insulation offers numerous environmental benefits, making it an ideal choice for those looking to adopt eco-friendly insulation and sustainable architecture practices. Its unique properties contribute significantly to reducing the environmental impact of buildings.

Renewable and Sustainable Resource

Sheep’s wool is a continuously renewable resource, with sheep being shorn annually for their well-being. The wool regrows naturally, ensuring a sustainable supply5. This renewable quality enables architects and builders to consistently incorporate this material into their projects, promoting sustainable architecture.

Low Embodied Carbon

One of the standout features of sheep’s wool insulation is its low embodied carbon. This natural insulation material requires minimal energy for production, resulting in fewer global warming gases emitted compared to synthetic alternatives like plastic or rock wool6. Additionally, using sheep’s wool can help mitigate the construction industry’s considerable contributions to climate change and air pollution6, guiding the transition towards eco-friendly insulation.


Sheep’s wool possesses a biodegradability advantage over many conventional synthetic insulations. It can naturally decompose at the end of its life cycle, significantly reducing landfill waste6. This property ensures that sheep’s wool insulation circumvents the disposal issues associated with synthetic materials, providing an environmentally responsible option for sustainable architecture.

Thermal Insulationicine Properties

Sheep’s wool insulation stands out for its exceptional thermal insulation properties, ensuring optimal temperature control in interior environments. This natural insulator is uniquely designed to create a stable and comfortable indoor atmosphere throughout the year.

Specific Heat Capacity

One of the key advantages of sheep wool insulation is its high specific heat capacity. This means that it is slower to absorb heat compared to other materials, allowing buildings to remain cooler during the summer. This slow heat absorption enhances the material’s overall thermal insulation effectiveness.

Thermal Resistance

Despite having a thermal conductivity of 0.039 W/mK, which may be lower than some synthetic options, sheep wool insulation still provides considerable thermal resistance. Its ability to absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture under high humidity conditions ensures that it retains its insulating properties7. The U-value of sheep wool insulation is around 0.16, further indicating its thermal efficiency8.

Temperature Control

Temperature control is another significant benefit of sheep’s wool insulation. This material helps in maintaining a consistent indoor temperature by balancing heat during various weather conditions. Available in varied thicknesses such as 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 140mm, or 150mm, it is designed to suit different insulating needs7. The insulation’s density of 18 kg/m³ also contributes to its overall efficiency in regulating temperatures7.

Product Price Range (£) Thickness (mm) Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Specific Heat Capacity
Optimal Roll 89.92 – 107.908 50 – 1507 0.0397 High
Comfort Roll 67.90 – 81.488 50 – 1507 0.0397 High
Premium Roll 111.40 – 133.688 50 – 1507 0.0397 High

Health and Safety Advantages

Sheep’s wool insulation stands out as a safe natural insulation option, especially when compared to its synthetic counterparts like fibreglass or rock wool. Unlike synthetic insulations, which often demand the use of protective gear to prevent skin, eye, and respiratory irritation, sheep’s wool is inherently user-friendly and gentle on the skin.

This feature renders sheep’s wool an excellent choice for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike, as it eliminates the health risks associated with the installation process of other materials. Additionally, wool’s unique capability to absorb toxins and odours further enhances indoor air quality, reducing harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in enclosed spaces9.

Beyond its user-friendly characteristics, sheep’s wool’s flame resistance is noteworthy. Wool ignites less readily than other organic materials, forming a carbonaceous layer that slows fire spread and provides additional safety measures9. This aspect is particularly crucial in homes with soft furnishings, which are generally more prone to fire hazards9.

Overall, the adoption of sheep’s wool as a safe natural insulation material not only supports user-friendly installation practices but also ensures healthier living environments and improved indoor air quality, creating a compelling case for its use in modern construction and renovation projects.

Moisture Regulation

Sheep’s wool insulation stands out for its unique capacity to manage moisture due to its hydrophobic exterior and hydrophilic interior. This makes it an ideal breathable insulation choice, especially in the UK’s damp climate. Remarkably, sheep’s wool can absorb up to 35% of its weight in moisture without becoming wet, ensuring that its thermal characteristics remain uncompromised and preventing condensation101.

This moisture-resistant insulation capability helps guard against dampness and mould formation in buildings, providing a healthier living environment. Maintaining a gap of approximately 50mm between the insulation and the roof covering is advisable to mitigate unnecessary overheating10. Furthermore, sheep wool insulation can absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture before it begins to affect its thermal properties, making it incredibly reliable in damp conditions like those often experienced in the UK1.

The thermal regulation of sheep’s wool goes beyond mere moisture control. It generates tiny amounts of heat to keep the temperature above the dew point, effectively negating condensation. This function, paired with its breathable insulation qualities, underscores its effectiveness in maintaining a stable indoor climate, enhancing both comfort and energy efficiency10.

Soundproofing Capabilities

Sheep’s wool insulation is not just renowned for its thermal properties; its acoustic properties are equally impressive. This soundproof natural insulation is particularly beneficial in both residential and commercial settings, offering noise reduction capabilities that are comparable to the best mineral fibres.

Acoustic Properties

Research has indicated that the dense and irregularly shaped fibres of sheep’s wool significantly contribute to its soundproofing qualities. Studies exploring the acoustic properties of wool have highlighted its potential for sound absorption applications11. This positions sheep’s wool as a valuable material in creating quieter and more comfortable indoor environments.

A notable study delved into the acoustical characterizations of insulation composites made from bio-based materials, underlining their suitability for soundproofing11. Additionally, the acoustic properties of cellulose fibre insulation have been well documented, indicating their relevance in practical soundproofing solutions within buildings11.

Moreover, natural fibres, like sunflower stalk and agroforestry waste composite materials, have been investigated for their sound absorption properties, further supporting the use of sustainable materials in acoustic insulation applications11. Recycled foam, utilized to create porous sound-absorbing materials, also showcases effective soundproofing, proving that sustainable insulation can deliver on multiple fronts11.

Given the multitude of studies and empirical models, it’s evident that integrating soundproof natural insulation like sheep’s wool can significantly enhance the acoustic comfort of a building. This makes it a strategically advantageous choice for anyone looking to combine superior thermal qualities with top-tier acoustic properties.

Fire Resistance of Sheep’s Wool Insulation

Sheep’s wool insulation is known for its naturally fireproof attributes, requiring temperatures above 560°C to ignite and having a limiting oxygen index of 25.2%1213. Unlike many other insulation materials, wool chars when exposed to flame rather than combusting outright, adding a significant safety layer in case of fire13. This unique property ensures it produces no toxic gases during a blaze1. Another advantage of this flame-resistant material is its self-extinguishing capability, making it highly desirable for building safety standards12.

In comparison, other insulation types such as polyurethane foam exhibit high flammability and pose greater fire risks13. When treated with borax for insect resistance, sheep wool insulation remains free of harmful chemicals, thereby maintaining its eco-friendly and fire-resistant properties1. Rigorous testing confirms its adherence to stringent UK fire safety standards, making it a preferred choice among builders and homeowners aiming for fireproof insulation solutions.

The durability of wool insulation also plays a critical role; it maintains its performance and safety features over time, ensuring long-term fire resistance13. This characteristic underscores the value of investing in sheep’s wool insulation for enhanced safety across various climates and building types. Its capability to provide effective thermal as well as fire resistance makes it an outstanding material for modern, sustainable construction.

Economic Considerations

Although the initial expenditure on sheep’s wool insulation might surpass that of some synthetic alternatives, its long-term benefits offer compelling economic advantages. For instance, while synthetic insulation might have a lower upfront cost, the environmental and health benefits of sheep’s wool insulation are undeniable. This eco-friendly option can be a cornerstone in cost-effective green solutions for sustainable energy savings.

Sheep produce between 2.3 and 3.6 kg of raw wool annually, ensuring a steady supply of this natural material14 Approximately 45% of the region’s annual wool production is marketed, with the rest stockpiled or discarded, making efficient utilisation of available resources essential14

Wool’s thickness directly correlates with its thermal resistance, with densities above 11 kg/m3 being particularly efficient. This characteristic allows sheep’s wool insulation to isolate vibrations and reduce sound levels by up to six decibels, providing superior sound absorption compared to mineral wool14 The multifaceted benefits highlight sheep’s wool insulation as a solid investment in sustainable energy savings.

The current price for 10 cm thick sheep’s wool insulation in Ireland is $19.59/m214 While this might be higher than some synthetic options, the long-term energy savings and reduced exposure to harmful chemicals bolster its economic viability. By maintaining a consistent indoor temperature, sheep’s wool insulation not only contributes to cost-effective green solutions but also reduces overall energy consumption.

Furthermore, sheep’s wool insulation is available in various forms from a limited number of global suppliers14 This limited availability can influence market pricing, though the natural and sustainable benefits far outweigh the initial costs.

Considering these economic aspects, sheep’s wool insulation provides an excellent return on investment by contributing substantially to sustainable energy savings and embodying cost-effective green solutions.

“The perceived higher initial cost of sheep’s wool insulation is mitigated by its long-term economic and environmental benefits, making it a prudent choice for eco-conscious builders.”

Sheeps Wool Insulation vs. Synthetic Insulation

When comparing the thermal efficiency of sheep’s wool insulation to synthetic materials, the R-value emerges as a critical factor. While phenolic foam boasts an R-value of 5 per 100mm m2K/W, sheep wool registers at 2.51. However, the specific heat capacity of sheep’s wool is 1800 J/Kg.K, surpassing glass mineral wool’s 1030 J/Kg.K and expanded polystyrene’s 1300 J/Kg.K, as outlined by GreenSpec1.

Comparative Thermal Efficiency

In terms of comparative thermal efficiency, synthetic insulations such as phenolic foam might outperform sheep’s wool with respect to pure thermal resistance. Nonetheless, sheep’s wool insulation, with its ability to absorb 30% of its weight in moisture without compromising its thermal properties, plays a significant role in maintaining indoor comfort levels, particularly in varying humidity conditions1.

Cost Comparison

Discussing the environmentally friendly insulation cost, sheep wool insulation has a higher upfront cost compared to many synthetics. Sheep wool insulation prices range from £18 to £25/m2, while mineral or rock wool is around £13/m2 and spray foam can reach £27/m21. This is further corroborated by U.S. data showing that sheep wool insulation costs about twice as much as fibreglass and 1.5 times mineral wool15.

Environmental Impact

Sheep wool insulation shines in its environmental impact. The production of sheep’s wool consumes only 6 MJ/kg compared to polyurethane foam’s 101 MJ/kg and glass mineral wool’s 26 MJ/kg1. Such low energy consumption makes it an excellent environmentally friendly insulation choice. Adding to this, wool insulation consumes less than 15% of the energy required to produce fibreglass insulation, significantly reducing its ecological footprint15.

Overall, while sheep’s wool insulation may not always offer the highest comparative thermal efficiency, its environmental benefits and sustainable production methods present a compelling case for use in eco-conscious buildings, balancing the environmentally friendly insulation cost against long-term gains115.


Sustainable insulation choices are crucial for modern construction, and sheep’s wool insulation emerges as a leading candidate in green building solutions. This natural insulator showcases impressive thermal properties, with a thermal conductivity ranging between 0.035 and 0.04 W/mK, outperforming typical mineral wool at 0.044 W/mK10. Additionally, it helps save up to 15 kW of energy needed for manufacturing 1m3, making it an energy-efficient alternative10.

Sheep wool insulation is not only sustainable but also contributes to improving indoor air quality. It can absorb up to 35% of its weight in moisture without getting wet, thus aiding in humidity control10. Furthermore, it is capable of removing between 80% and 87% of formaldehyde from the air, making it particularly beneficial for chemically sensitive individuals1016. Its ability to absorb and release moisture helps prevent condensation and maintain optimal indoor humidity levels16.

The soundproofing and fire-resistant properties of sheep’s wool insulation also add to its appeal. It can absorb 90-95% of airborne sound, making it an excellent acoustic insulator16. Additionally, wool’s natural flame resistance due to its high moisture content further enhances safety in buildings10. Unlike synthetic alternatives, sheep wool insulation is easy to handle, requiring no protective gear such as masks or goggles10.

In conclusion, sheep’s wool insulation offers a harmonious balance of thermal efficiency, health benefits, and environmental sustainability. Its role as a renewable and recyclable material, low embodied energy, and superior insulating qualities solidify its position as a prime choice among sustainable insulation options. By adopting natural materials like sheep wool, we can significantly advance our commitment to eco-friendly living and green building solutions1617.


Q: What is sheep’s wool insulation?

A: Sheep’s wool insulation is a natural insulator created from the fleece of sheep. It is recognised for its superior thermal qualities due to the crimped nature of the fibres, which create insulating air pockets.

Q: How is sheep’s wool insulation produced?

A: The wool is harvested from sheep during their annual shearing for their wellbeing. The fibres are then processed, typically formed into batts and rolls through mechanical or bonded means.

Q: What are the environmental benefits of sheep’s wool insulation?

A: Sheep’s wool insulation is a renewable and sustainable resource that has low embodied carbon. Its production emits fewer global warming gases and it is biodegradable, thus avoiding landfill issues associated with synthetic insulations.

Q: Does sheep’s wool insulation help in regulating temperature?

A: Yes, sheep’s wool insulation mimics nature’s thermostat by keeping buildings warmer by up to 4C in cooler conditions and cooler by up to 7C in warmer weather. Its high specific heat capacity and natural temperature-regulating capabilities provide a stable indoor environment.

Q: Is sheep’s wool insulation safe and user-friendly?

A: Unlike fibreglass or rock wool, sheep’s wool insulation does not irritate the skin, eyes, or respiratory system. It does not require safety gear during installation, making it a user-friendly choice.

Q: How does sheep’s wool insulation manage moisture?

A: Sheep’s wool has a hydrophobic exterior and a hydrophilic interior, enabling it to absorb significant moisture without compromising its thermal characteristics. This makes it particularly effective in damp climates like the UK’s, helping to prevent dampness and mould in buildings.

Q: What are the soundproofing qualities of sheep’s wool insulation?

A: The dense, irregularly shaped fibres of sheep’s wool provide excellent acoustic properties, making it effective for soundproofing residential and commercial spaces. Its soft texture aids noise reduction, comparable to the best mineral fibres.

Q: Is sheep’s wool insulation fire-resistant?

A: Yes, sheep’s wool insulation is naturally fire-resistant. It chars rather than combusts due to its low oxygen content and does not emit toxic gases. It meets stringent fire safety standards in the UK and adds a layer of safety in case of fire.

Q: How does the cost of sheep’s wool insulation compare to synthetic alternatives?

A: While sheep’s wool insulation may have higher upfront costs compared to some synthetic insulations, its environmental and health benefits, longevity, and energy savings can provide long-term economic advantages.

Q: How does sheep’s wool insulation compare to synthetic insulations in terms of thermal efficiency?

A: Sheep’s wool insulation may have slightly lower thermal resistance (R-value) compared to some synthetic insulations like phenolic foam. However, its ecological benefits and low energy production profile make it a favourable choice for environmentally-conscious builders.

Q: Why should I consider sheep’s wool insulation over other types of insulation?

A: Sheep’s wool insulation offers a unique combination of environmental sustainability, health and safety benefits, and natural thermal and acoustic properties. For those prioritising eco-friendly solutions and indoor air quality, it stands as a strong alternative to conventional, synthetic insulating materials.

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