Understanding your eligibility for the ECO4 Scheme is essential for UK residents looking to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. By completing a straightforward form, individuals can identify the fully-funded energy-saving measures they may qualify for, which can include insulation works and heating upgrades. The ECO4 Scheme focuses on providing support to those receiving various allowances such as Income-related Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Income Support (IS), Working Tax Credit (WTC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), Universal Credit (UC), Housing Benefit, and Pension Credit Savings.

With £4 billion funding available under the Government’s Energy Company Obligation, the scheme offers an opportunity for both tenants and homeowners to take advantage of significant energy-saving improvements1. However, it’s important to note that homes with an EPC rating of A-C do not qualify for the grant scheme1. The ECO4 funding is primarily targeted at homes with an EPC rating of Band D or lower, ensuring those in the most need receive the necessary updates2. Moreover, energy companies are restricted to spending only 15% of their funding on properties rated as Band D to ensure the funds are allocated where most needed1.

Additionally, different income thresholds for eligibility are considered based on the number of children in a household, which can help tailor support to various family structures1. Through schemes like the ECO4, the UK government aims to support environmental grant schemes and enhance energy efficiency across the country, contributing significantly to climate action and sustainable development goals.

What is the ECO4 Scheme?

The ECO4 Scheme stands as a significant government initiative targeting the reduction of carbon emissions and energy consumption in the UK. By prioritising energy efficiency upgrades for low-income households, the scheme not only facilitates environmental benefits but also supports financial savings for the most vulnerable. Offering a host of improvements such as insulation and new heating systems, the ECO4 Scheme is a major step towards the nation’s Net Zero emissions targets.

Overview of the ECO4 Scheme

Initiated by the UK government, the ECO4 Scheme is the latest in a series of efforts to enhance home energy efficiency. Beginning its journey with ECO1 in January 2013, the program has seen successive iterations—ECO2, ECO2t, and now, ECO4, which came into effect on July 27, 2022, and covers measures installed from April 1, 20223. The scheme focuses on properties with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or lower, ensuring funding reaches those most in need2.

Goals of the ECO4 Scheme

The primary objective of the ECO4 Scheme is to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption through eco-friendly initiatives. By concentrating on homes with lower EPC ratings, the scheme aims to deliver substantial improvements in energy performance. Additionally, the scheme supports the UK’s broader environmental strategy, contributing significantly to the goal of Net Zero emissions by 2050. The ECO4 Scheme’s targeted measures include Solid Wall Insulation, Cavity Wall Insulation, Loft Insulation, and modern Heating Systems & Controls2.

Key Benefits for Households

Households benefiting from the ECO4 Scheme enjoy numerous advantages, both environmental and financial. Energy efficiency improvements such as insulation and heating system upgrades help lower energy bills, offering much-needed financial relief for low-income families. Properties rated D or below on their EPC are eligible for these enhancements, provided the residents receive qualifying benefits such as Income-based Jobseekers Allowance, Universal Credit, or the Warm Home Discount scheme2. Furthermore, local authorities can nominate households for funding under the Flex option if their earnings are below £31,000 and their EPC rating is D, E, F, or G2.

In summary, the ECO4 Scheme represents a remarkable opportunity for households in the UK to improve their energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, and contribute to a greener environment. Through government incentives and eco-friendly initiatives, the scheme ensures that even the most vulnerable can participate in and benefit from the nation’s efforts to combat climate change.

Eligibility Requirements for the ECO4 Scheme

The ECO4 Scheme is designed to provide renewable energy funding and promote eco-friendly upgrades for properties across the UK. Understanding the eligibility requirements is crucial for potential beneficiaries. These requirements are based on specific benefits and the energy performance of the property.

Benefits that Qualify

The ECO4 eligibility criteria include a range of qualifying benefits. Residents receiving Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income-based Jobseekers allowance, Income-related Employment & Support Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit, and Tax Credits (Child or Working Tax Credit) are all considered eligible for the scheme1. Additionally, the Council’s ECO4 Flex rules extend eligibility to households earning under £31,000 per year or those that are vulnerable to living in a cold home without necessarily claiming benefits1.

EPC Rating Requirements

Another significant factor in determining eligibility for the ECO4 Scheme is the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of the property. To qualify, properties must have an EPC rating of D, E, F, or G1. However, there is a restriction that energy companies can only allocate 15% of their funding to Band D properties1. This ensures a focus on upgrading the least energy-efficient homes. The goal of these sustainability grant programs is to make impactful energy efficiency improvements and foster long-term environmental benefits.

The current phase of the ECO Scheme, which started from ECO4 Order, applies to measures installed from 1 April 20223. This longstanding program, beginning with ECO1 in 2013 and evolving through subsequent phases, continues to bolster the UK’s commitment to renewable energy funding and promoting eco-friendly policies3.

Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Qualification

For those looking to qualify for energy efficiency grants under the ECO4 Scheme, being a recipient of Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) stands as a key factor. Those who receive ECO4 income-based JSA are fully eligible for the scheme4. The scheme aims to support households in lowering their energy consumption through climate action funding, specifically targeting homes with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or lower2. This assists in meeting national goals for reducing carbon emissions.

Individuals on income-based JSA can access a range of energy efficiency measures, ensuring they can benefit from upgrades designed to improve the overall energy efficiency of their homes2. This encompasses but is not limited to, insulation, heating improvements, and other essential modifications2. By qualifying for these measures, households under this allowance are significantly benefitted by climate action funding that is part of the ECO4 income-based JSA initiative.

In addition, applicants must ensure they disclose all household income sources when applying, meeting the income threshold of £31,0005. Full transparency and accurate income calculations are essential to avoid common pitfalls such as misinterpreting income requirements or incomplete documentation5. Professional guidance can greatly aid in this process, making certain that applicants adhere to all criteria and successfully benefit from the scheme5.

Ultimately, the ECO4 Scheme provides crucial support for vulnerable households receiving income-based JSA, promoting sustainable living through energy efficiency grants and climate action funding. It is an invaluable opportunity for eligible individuals to enhance their living conditions while contributing to environmental sustainability.

Income Related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) Scheme aims to provide government energy assistance to individuals who meet specific criteria, including those receiving Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). Among the five primary benefits that determine ECO4 eligibility, ESA plays a significant role in supporting applicants unable to work due to health conditions or disabilities4. Moreover, individuals on Pension Credit, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), and other specific benefits are also eligible for government energy assistance through the ECO4 scheme5.

Understanding ESA Criteria

The criteria for ESA eligibility are focused on those unable to work due to health or disability. Being on an income-related basis ensures that the support reaches those most in need5. This benefit aligns with the broader goal of the ECO4 scheme to assist residents in improving their home energy efficiency, making it a key factor in determining eligibility for ESA energy grants4.

How to Apply for Assistance

Applying for assistance under the ECO4 scheme as an ESA recipient involves a streamlined process to identify the types of energy efficiency improvements one may be eligible for. Applicants need to confirm their ESA status and other qualifying benefits, ensuring they meet the income threshold, which does not exceed £31,000 annually5. Landlords, social landlord officers, and other parties must provide the necessary declarations to validate eligibility and ensure compliance with specific criteria6.

Additional Benefits Under ECO4

Under the ECO4 scheme, households receiving certain benefits may qualify for significant energy efficiency support. This section explores how Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, and Pension Credit Savings can make households eligible for various green energy subsidies and home improvements.

Universal Credit

Households receiving Universal Credit are now considered for the ECO4 scheme. This inclusion aims to broaden the reach of energy efficiency support, enabling more families to benefit from initiatives designed to enhance home insulation and heating systems7.

Housing Benefit

Housing Benefit recipients can also access funding under the ECO4 eligibility criteria. This change addresses the need for green energy subsidies in low-income households, helping them to achieve better energy efficiency and reduce utility expenses7. Properties eligible for ECO4 grants must have an EPC rating of D, E, F, or G, ensuring that the most energy-inefficient homes receive priority17.

Pension Credit Savings

Pension Credit Savings also play a crucial role in determining ECO4 eligibility. This benefit was added to make it more inclusive, allowing senior citizens to benefit from energy efficiency improvements like cavity wall insulation and boiler upgrades17. The ECO4 scheme offers up to £20,000 in grants for heating and insulation measures7, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle while providing financial relief for vulnerable households.

Benefit Details Funding Cap Energy Efficiency Measures
Universal Credit Newly included under ECO4 Up to £20,000 Loft insulation, air source heat pumps
Housing Benefit Low-income household support Up to £20,000 Underfloor insulation, boiler upgrades
Pension Credit Savings Increased inclusivity for senior citizens Up to £20,000 Cavity wall insulation, electric storage heaters

The Government’s Energy Company Obligation has allocated £4 billion for these initiatives, emphasising the broader impact of green energy subsidies on low-income and vulnerable households1. Energy companies can invest only 15% of their funding on properties with an EPC rating of Band D1, making it imperative to focus resources on homes in higher need categories.

Sustainability and Green Energy Initiatives

The ECO4 Scheme is the latest iteration focused on enhancing energy efficiency in UK homes8. With a strong emphasis on sustainability and green energy initiatives, the scheme aims to provide substantial funding for energy-efficient upgrades, reducing carbon emissions and alleviating fuel poverty8. These eco-friendly measures include insulation and renewable energy solutions such as solar panels and air source heat pumps, which are designed to reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills8.

One of the critical aspects of the ECO4 Scheme is its flexibility in eligibility criteria, particularly through the ECO4 Flex initiative. Households can qualify if they have a combined gross annual household income under £31,000 or if a household member has a severe health condition affected by living in a cold home9. In addition, low-income and vulnerable households are identified by local authorities and energy suppliers for support under the ECO scheme9.

TrustMark accreditation ensures that the installers participating in the ECO4 scheme meet government-endorsed quality standards, offering peace of mind to those investing in these sustainable heating solutions9. These initiatives do not just contribute to individual household savings but also support broader climate action goals by decreasing overall energy consumption and fostering a more sustainable environment8.

The table below provides a concise comparison of the key benefits and eligibility criteria associated with the ECO4 Scheme, highlighting the multiple benefits it offers to UK households:

Key Features Details Source
Sustainable Heating Solutions Insulation, solar panels, air source heat pumps 8
Funding and Support Substantial grants for energy-efficient upgrades 8
Eligibility Criteria Income under £31,000, severe health conditions 9
Quality Assurance TrustMark accredited installers 9

Local Authority Flexible Eligibility

The ECO4 Scheme offers an additional pathway known as ‘Local Authority Flex’ to extend its reach to more households. Local authorities play a pivotal role in this mechanism, aiding households that might otherwise be overlooked.

How Local Authorities Can Help

Local Authorities have the unique ability to identify and refer private tenure households they consider to be living in fuel poverty or on a low income and vulnerable to cold homes under ECO4 Flex10. By leveraging their intimate knowledge of the community, Local Authorities can pinpoint those who need help the most.

Moreover, Local Authorities can establish relationships with suppliers, installers, and each other under the ECO4 Scheme support provided by the mechanism10. This collaboration ensures a streamlined implementation of energy efficiency measures.

Criteria for Local Authority Flex

Eligibility for local authority flex is based on factors such as household income, health/vulnerability, and bespoke targeting. The household income eligibility threshold for ECO FLEX is £30,000, making it accessible to a broader audience11. Additionally, homes applying for LA Flex need to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D-G to qualify12.

The ECO4 Scheme support ensures that measures under LA Flex are often provided at no cost to homeowners or tenants, significantly reducing barriers to access12. Benefits of these measures include reducing carbon emissions, lowering energy bills, eliminating issues like mould and draughts, and adding value to the property12.

Audits for ECO4 Flex measures are intended to be random samples but may include specific Local Authorities if non-compliance is suspected10. This ensures integrity and proper utilisation of the scheme.

Thus, energy grants eligibility under local authority flex not only alleviates immediate financial burdens but also provides long-term benefits to households, significantly improving their overall quality of life while contributing to broader environmental goals.

eco4 eligibility for UK Households

The ECO4 Scheme has stringent qualification metrics, aimed at providing energy efficiency funding to the segments of society that are most in need. The government has allocated a significant £4 billion for the scheme, highlighting the importance placed on improving the energy efficiency of lower-income households1.

Income thresholds play a crucial role in determining eco4 eligibility. For example, a single adult household with children can claim Child Benefit with income ranging between £19,900 and £34,500, whereas a two-adult household with children has a limit ranging from £27,500 to £42,0001. Furthermore, under the council’s ECO4 Flex rules, households with an annual income below £31,000 may qualify for energy efficiency funding1.

In addition to financial stipulations, the home’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating is a critical eligibility parameter. Properties rated D, E, F, or G can receive funding, with energy companies allowed to spend 15% of their funding on Band D properties1. This focus ensures that homes in dire need of upgrades can benefit from the scheme’s resources.

The range of insulations and upgrades covered by the ECO4 Scheme is extensive. Eligible households can access support for insulations such as air source heat pumps, cavity wall insulation, underfloor insulation, and loft insulation, to name a few. Boiler upgrades and electric storage heaters are also available for homeowners1.

Understanding these multifaceted eligibility requirements allows UK households to take full advantage of the ECO4 Scheme qualification, paving the way for enhanced energy efficiency and reduced utility bills.


The ECO4 Scheme stands as a vital opportunity for UK households striving to improve their energy efficiency while embracing eco-friendly upgrades. Throughout its timeline, which began with ECO1 in January 2013, the scheme has evolved significantly, with the current ECO4 phase coming into force on July 27, 2022, for measures installed from April 1, 20223. Previous schemes like CERT (April 2008 – December 2012) and EEC (2002 – 2005) laid the groundwork for the comprehensive support ECO4 offers today3.

One of the scheme’s standout benefits is its targeted support for lower-income households, ensuring that even the most vulnerable can access essential energy-saving measures. The maximum annual household income threshold for ECO4 eligibility is set at £31,000, making it accessible to many5. Qualifying benefits such as Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), and Universal Credit (UC) further broaden the scheme’s reach, allowing numerous households to benefit from fully funded energy efficiency improvements5.

With required warranties, such as a minimum of two years on boiler installations post-January 2020, the ECO4 Scheme underscores its commitment to quality and reliability3. Engaging with approved installers ensures that recipients get the best possible advice on the technical requirements and improvements available under the scheme5. This aligns with the broader goal of reducing energy consumption and supporting the UK’s climate action objectives through effective renewable energy funding and an inclusive environmental grant scheme.

In summation, the ECO4 energy grants pave the way for enhancing household energy efficiency, offering significant environmental and financial benefits. By accurately calculating household income and adhering to eligibility criteria, families can successfully navigate the application process and seize this valuable opportunity5.


Q: What is the ECO4 Scheme?

A: The ECO4 Scheme is a government initiative designed to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in UK households. It specifically targets low-income families and properties with an EPC rating of D or lower, offering fully-funded measures such as insulation and heating improvements.

Q: What are the goals of the ECO4 Scheme?

A: The primary goals of the ECO4 Scheme are to reduce energy consumption in homes, curb carbon emissions, and contribute to the UK’s Net Zero emissions aspirations while providing financial and eco-friendly support to vulnerable households.

Q: What are the key benefits for households under the ECO4 Scheme?

A: Households benefiting from the ECO4 Scheme receive fully-funded energy efficiency upgrades such as insulation, heating systems, and potentially renewable energy installations like solar panels and air source heat pumps. These upgrades aim to reduce energy bills and enhance home comfort.

Q: What benefits make me eligible for the ECO4 Scheme?

A: Eligibility for the ECO4 Scheme depends on receiving specific benefits such as Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Income Support (IS), Working Tax Credit (WTC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), Universal Credit (UC), Housing Benefit, and Pension Credit Savings.

Q: What are the EPC rating requirements for ECO4 Scheme eligibility?

A: To qualify for the ECO4 Scheme, your property must have an EPC rating of D or lower. This ensures the scheme prioritises the improvement of energy-inefficient homes.

Q: How does Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) qualify me for ECO4?

A: If you are a recipient of Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), you may qualify for full funding for various energy efficiency measures under the ECO4 Scheme. An assessment will determine which specific improvements your home needs.

Q: What is required to qualify under Income Related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)?

A: To qualify under ESA, you must meet the criteria for income-related ESA. The application process will assess your eligibility for various energy efficiency improvements available through the ECO4 Scheme.

Q: Which additional benefits qualify under ECO4?

A: The ECO4 Scheme has expanded to include Universal Credit, Housing Benefit, and Pension Credit Savings. These inclusively make more households eligible for energy efficiency upgrades.

Q: How do sustainability and green energy initiatives fit into the ECO4 Scheme?

A: The ECO4 Scheme promotes eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives for home heating and insulation, including potential installations of renewable energy systems like solar panels and air source heat pumps, aligning with broader climate action funding objectives.

Q: How can local authorities assist with ECO4 eligibility?

A: Local authorities can nominate properties under a system called ‘Local Authority Flex’, which considers households with a total income below £31,000 and properties with an EPC rating of D to G. This offers an additional avenue for funding qualification.

Q: What criteria must my household meet to qualify for Local Authority Flex?

A: Households must have a total income of less than £31,000 and an EPC rating of D to G to qualify under the Local Authority Flex route. This initiative helps ensure that more vulnerable homes receive necessary energy efficiency improvements.

Source Links

  1. https://www.entitledto.co.uk/help/eco4
  2. https://www.interglow.co.uk/eco4-eligibility-qualifying/
  3. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/faqs-domestic-consumers-and-landlords
  4. https://borthwickgroup.co.uk/eco-4-what-benefits-qualify/
  5. https://www.heatforce.co.uk/how-to-qualify-for-the-free-eco4-scheme/
  6. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2022-10/ECO4 Eligibility Requirements Form v1.0.pdf
  7. https://energysavinggenie.co.uk/energysavinggenie-co-uk-grants-for-heating-and-insulation-eligible-benefits-in-eco4/
  8. https://www.simplegreenenergy.org/eco4-scheme/
  9. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/environmental-and-social-schemes/energy-company-obligation-eco/energy-company-obligation-eco-homeowners-and-tenants
  10. https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/environmental-and-social-schemes/energy-company-obligation-eco/energy-company-obligation-eco-local-authorities
  11. https://eco4.org.uk/local-authority-flex-delivery-scheme-lads/
  12. https://allseasonsenergy.co.uk/energy-grants/local-authority-flexible-eligibility-la-flex/

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Eco4 Eligibility Criteria for UK Energy Grants
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